If you find yourself sad on Christmas, that is okay!

Holidays aren't always what we expect them to be. Often the anticipation of the season carries more joy than the actual experience . . .
Life happens.
The baby throws up.
We sit on the couch all day with the flu.
The power goes out.
The family member was admitted to the hospital.
The parties got cancelled.
The turkey burnt.
The toddler was awake all night.
The teen totaled the car.
We got the call about the diagnosis.
The cousins couldn't make it into town.
The final divorce papers were signed.
The grandparent, parent, or spouse. passed.
Relational misunderstandings happened.
The baby we hoped for isn't here.
For so many, the holidays are not storybook picture perfect. And despite all the "Joy to the world" and "Peace on earth" Joy and peace are the last things we may be experiencing right now.
I want you to know it's okay. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to say this season was not what you hoped for.
If you woke today with a heavy heart, if you found tears in your eyes, or regret boiling in your stomach, I see you! I validate the losses and the pain. And you have permission to as well.
Let the tears fall.
Stomp your foot if you have the need.
Take a few extra minutes to breathe today. See yourself. See the pain you bear, and lean into that. Because this is our present reality.
Holidays can be hard in many ways. It's okay to say things are not okay.
And in the midst of that pain, let that be the place that Jesus meets you. Because what we celebrated yesterday, Emmanuel, means God is with us. Here, now, in the hard and holy.
Let him hold you today.
Let him be with you.
He validates your pain.
And he will carry you through.
For this week as we move toward the new year, we can look to Him who is making all things new!